Saturday, June 4, 2011


Today has driven me to my books... I mean... it's perfect book weather. Don't get me started about how it's June though... and the kids get out for SUMMER VACATION next week... *sigh*...

It's not just raining... it's stormy... windy...

Anyway, I went back to my shelf of magic books... and coincidentally we had a picnic on the living room floor in front of a fire...

...and I started thinking about candle magic. It's never really fit for me before... I didn't feel connected to the idea. But now... I don't know... maybe it's the dark and wet days... but I think I'm feeling it.

I have two books on candle magic, Raymond Buckland's Practical Candleburning Rituals, and Patricia Telesco's Mastering Candle Magick. I think I prefer the latter, but I'll let you know as soon as I get a chance to really look through the books. I've lit candles and made a few oils for my oil burners... I'll share those next time too. The kiddos are needing some attention... wanting to make paint butterflies. I guess they're dreaming of summer too!


  1. The fire looks so inviting.....I wish we had a fireplace. I just ordered a book called By Candlelight....I like lighting candles....always have....I will light a candle and just think about whatever things I need to let out into the Universe....whether it's asking for change...setting goals....or letting something negative I'm looking forward to getting my book....and hearing what you've been up to!

  2. Celia - the book sounds great! Let me know if you like it. I have so many books... and so few of them actually inspire me... *sigh*
