Sunday, June 20, 2010

Shall we?

I'm not sure to whom I am speaking... as it's just me here... alone... right now...

But I am on a path, not entirely sure which way I'm going... maybe this way... maybe that... it likely doesn't matter much...

I am a mother, I am hoping to start an energy healing practice next year, I am pagan, and learning more about the truth within myself. I am not sure how to go about all of this... integrating these parts, folding together the day-to-day activity with the energy practice and the spirituality. I suppose that is what this blog will be about... mostly... I'm really not sure. I just know that I'm here, that I feel that this is a good way to reach out and connect with like minds... to use that web that exists between us all, to tug the strings and bring to myself people and ideas which will enhance my personal growth. If you are one of these people, blessings... let us begin...

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