Thursday, July 22, 2010


I'm trying to structure prayer time into my day. It's a bit hard to do EVERY day... but I like the idea of making sure that I spend some time giving thanks, just being in a grateful space, and acknowledging the moment. I've started with a morning prayer that I recite many mornings (but not all... I just haven't been that disciplined).

I raise my hands in honor
Of the Lord and Lady of the morning
Who rise in glory in the East
Bringing light to the world.
Illuminate my path in this day
And in this life
As I move through each moment
To do my highest good.

This prayer was inspired by one in a book called A Book Of Pagan Prayer by Ceisiwr Serith. The book is very good, even though I honestly don't use many prayers directly from the book. I find it more inspirational for writing my own.


  1. what a lovely prayer and a wonderful idea too. Writing your own verse always has more meaning.

    Thanks for your suggestions on my post, they were very helpful and it just happens that I was just looking around for some paper dolls today the link to the templates you spoke about are perfect.

  2. Great prayer! Books are great, but I do like the idea of creating your own too.
