Monday, October 25, 2010


I've been making gnomes lately... I guess you could say I'm using my fingers to process all the rambling I've done the last few weeks! :) Actually, it's been fun... and the first family of gnomes that I completed went to live at my daughter's preschool today... so I thought I'd share. I posted more pictures and more ideas about what I'm going to make on the Pagan Parenting Resource Blog... so go check it out if you're interested in making toys. There are links to the website where I got the patterns and ideas... it's SO much fun!

These could be made with the intention to be toys... or they could be for the season table. There are lots of seasonal ideas (including making flower fairies) at the website where I got the patterns for the ones I made.

1 comment:

  1. I've been making gnomes too! Mine are not sewn as well. First time trying it out.

    Guess I will get better with time. My little ones don't seem to mind though.
